WP-Optimize release latest 3.2.1 update

The latest update for WP-Optimize 3.2.1 has now been released. As you can see from the list below we have been hard at work making changes, and as such – this latest update comes with a huge number of tweaks and fixes. As part of the new update, we have made changes so that WP-Optimize helps improve the performance and user experience in some very important areas of your WordPress site, including caching, image compression and minifying. 

Try out he new and updated version of WP-Optimize today and see the difference.

  • FIX: Apply different image compression levels
  • FIX: Cache – Purge WooCommerce product page after stock update
  • FIX: Database errors after adding a new site
  • FIX: Flatsome theme compatibility with google fonts
  • FIX: Image compression advanced settings, display default backup days instead of empty value.
  • FIX: Image compression was not working when the image extension used capital letters
  • FIX: Premium – Cache – Potential PHP error in User-specific cache
  • FIX: Premium – resolve potential admin-area PHP error if the deprecated mailchimp sync plugin and MC4WP plugin are both active (and potentially other situations where a plugin deactivates another)
  • FIX: Premium – Unused images – compatibility with PHP 8
  • FIX: Premium – Unused images – issue with parenthesis in name
  • FIX: Premium – Unused images – Pagination count doesn’t update
  • FIX: Prevent a PHP notice when using with UpdraftCentral
  • FIX: Save prioritize maximum compression setting correctly
  • FIX: Wrong redirect when wiping settings on multisite
  • TWEAK: Premium – add review link at bottom of settings
  • TWEAK: Force monolog/monolog and psr/log versions to retain PHP 5.X compatibility/satisfy wordpress.org SVN hooks
  • TWEAK: Add compatibility with Kinsta
  • TWEAK: Added functionality for to convert MyISAM to InnoDB
  • TWEAK: Add filters for minify input string
  • TWEAK: Cache – Added filter to modify cache exception urls
  • TWEAK: Cache – Optimize preload from sitemap
  • TWEAK: Cache – Serve different versions based on cookie consent
  • TWEAK: changed filter to prevent deprecation notice in php 8.1+
  • TWEAK: Decide automatically whether to inline css or not based on file size
  • TWEAK: Fix typo in text domain name
  • TWEAK: get_hurl function minified.
  • TWEAK: Improve clarity of debug message when DONOTCACHEPAGE constant is used
  • TWEAK: Improve DB UI/UX on multisite
  • TWEAK: Improve minify cache size messages
  • TWEAK: Making Estatik plugin compatible
  • TWEAK: Minify – Add JS translations support
  • TWEAK: Minify HTML only on cache pre-loading
  • TWEAK: Port from previous semaphore classes to Updraft_Semaphore_3_0
  • TWEAK: Premium – Unused images – Show that there are images in the trash without having to re-scan everything
  • TWEAK: Prevent a PHP notice when downloading image compression log file. Fix backup modal styling issue.
  • TWEAK: Prevent fatal error in gzip settings when stylesheet could not be fetched
  • TWEAK: Short-circuit trivial case of nothing in the buffer when page-caching, to involve any possible other issues
  • TWEAK: Update comments count after trackbacks and pingbacks deletion
  • TWEAK: Update minified asset when the enqueued scripts and styles version change
  • TWEAK: Use proper constant of includes path in user cache extension

WP-Optimize launch new feature: User specific cache

Premium users of WP-Optimize can now access a new feature called ‘user-specific cache’. When you activate the user-specific cache option, it allows you to cache specific content for individual users on your membership site, such as a partially completed online course. 

How does it work?

If a user has logged into your site and purchased an online course for example, the main content of the site will only be available when logged in. When using user specific cache, the participants of the course will benefit from faster loading pages as the content has been cached to their account. If they were not logged in, this would not be the case.

Studies have shown that using this type of user-specific cache results in a much faster and better user experience, which in turn can potentially lead to further sales and interactions. Many websites that offer courses such as SkillShare and Udemy use this type of caching to help improve the user experience.

User specific cache can be turned on with just a tick of a box.

If you have a very popular site with many users, please be aware that this could result in a large amount of files, which could require a hosting package that can handle the extra demand. 

When using WP-Optimize’s cache preloader feature, the user specific cache will not be created. But, the preloader will only cache the pages which non-logged in users see. The user specific content will be generated when the logged in user visits the pages (and they will see that cached page only when visiting that page again)