WP-Optimize 3.2.16: Improved Compatibility with Other Plugins

WP-Optimize 3.2.16

The latest version of WP-Optimize is now compatible with even more of your favorite plugins. For both the free and premium versions of WP-Optimize we’ve improved compatibility with:

  • All In One SEO We’ve added compatibility with WP-Optimize’s minify feature. This feature helps save space by reducing the size of your HTML, CSS and Javascript files.
  • Custom Permalinks is now compatible with our cache feature. With caching, users who visit your site are served local, static copies of your site’s files leading to huge improvements in page loading times for a faster, more efficient website.


The following improvements apply to WP-Optimize Premium:

  • WP-Optimize Premium now correctly detects banner images within Elementor and is able to optimize them effectively.
  • YITH Point of Sales is now also compatible with WP-Optimize Premium. Plugin point-of-sales pages are able to function correctly.
  • Lazy Loading can now be enabled with Smart Slider 3 without disrupting how images are displayed.


Finally, we’ve made a number of fixes that apply to both the free and premium versions of WP-Optimize:

  • Users were previously seeing a PHP warning or non-fatal error when converting to WebP where race conditions occurred. This was caused by the same script being executed twice, and has now been resolved.
  • Database responsiveness has been improved; exceptionally large databases can now be processed more effectively.
  • If WP Optimize is uninstalled, files and settings created by the plugin are automatically removed or reverted.


For a full list of tweaks and fixes, please see below:


* FIX: HTML minify should not remove title tag added by AIOSEO

* FIX: Premium – Fetching unused images data is incorrect when previous task queue is not properly unlocked

* FIX: Premium – Unused Images – Recognise Elementor background images

* TWEAK: Premium – Prevent conflicts between the minify feature and the YITH Point of Sale for WooCommerce plugin

* TWEAK: Premium – Compatibility issue with Smart Slider 3


Fast, efficient website optimization

WP-Optimize helps you to boost the performance of your WordPress website. It will shrink your database size, compress large images, clean up spam and unapproved comments, report on database tables with overhead and wasted space, and cache your site. The result is a leaner, faster, more organized website. Our Premium version includes enhanced functionality such as multisite support, sophisticated scheduling options, and is compatible with campaign tracking queries like UTM tags. If you think WP-Optimize could be the right solution for your website, you can learn more

Author: Chris Read – contact [email protected]